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Resident Testimonials

I appreciate that Solheim is connected to my Lutheran heritage. When I walked through the door, it felt like home. I’ve been in a lot of retirement places that did not feel like home. I’m really grateful to be here.

Eileen Olson, resident

​I always knew I wanted to move to Solheim and living here has definitely eased my workload. I don’t have to be responsible for housekeeping, cooking, or grocery shopping. I find that having the nursing staff is a comfort and offers peace of mind, even if I don’t need care at the moment. I enjoy volunteering my time in Health Care Center and helping with the altar care on Sundays. I play canasta and attend Spanish class, bible study, the life journey writing class, and news currents.  

Janet Giertz, resident

​Life at Solheim relieves me of the responsibilities of taking care of a home and gives me freedom. I like meeting new people, enjoy the activities, and I don’t have to cook! I can get transportation to anywhere I need.  When we came here on a tour of Solheim, there must have been 10 people who knew me from when my mother lived here. Sherry, the Director of Nursing Services, gave me a big hug. The whole attitude and the focus on care at Solheim can’t be beat. Everyone gets really good care and the staff cares about YOU.

Barbara Rogers, resident

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